My Name Is Earl Wiki
First seen
Last seen
Appeared in
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Also Known As
Date of birth
Date of death
Portrayed by
Jerry Van Dyke


Jerry is an old army veteran.

Before Season 4[]

Jerry was fighting in the Korean war with his friend Joe, they were caught behind enemy lines when Jerry got wounded. Joe who was scared thought they weren't going to make it and tried to run off, Jerry grabbed Joe and cut off his ear lobe to try and make him stay but Joe ran away, Jerry yelled at Joe calling him a coward. Jerry was captured and kept Joe's ear as a reminder why he wanted to survive, as the years went on the ear became a companion and became a part of Jerry's life after the war. He kept the ear in his RV until Earl, Joy and Randy stole his RV and accidentally destroyed it after Randy left the gas on.

Season 4[]

Jerry was still living in the same spot after he lost his RV, Earl wanted to make up for want he had done to him but all Jerry wanted to do was die. Earl decide to fix the roof of Jerry's home when he found out Jerry liked jug music and owned a jug until Earl destroyed it. Earl realized he could replace all of the items he destroyed and got Jerry a new jug, a doll that made Jerry feel like his wife was hugging him, animal heads and hunting equipment. Jerry thanked Earl for replacing his stuff and asked him for a ride to Joe's house, but Earl didn't know Jerry was going to cut off Joe's other ear until they arrived at the house. Earl managed to get to Joe's front door first to warn him, Joe let Earl and Randy in and made a plan to stop Jerry. But Jerry had to managed to get in to Joe's house and was about to kill him when he had a heart attack, Joe had a heart attack as well and reached for some pills that stopped them but they was only one left. Joe gave the pill to Jerry to make up for what he had done luckily the two men survived, Jerry told Joe afterwards that they were now even as he had saved his life.
